From the Pastor’s desk . . .
In preparation for Christmas, in the midst of the business of the season, perhaps it would be helpful to carve out some
In preparation for Christmas, in the midst of the business of the season, perhaps it would be helpful to carve out some
Welcome Bishop Reed! This Friday we welcome Bishop Robert Reed to St. Mary’s to celebrate the Confirmation Ceremonies for some 100 young
I would like to invite you to celebrate with the Rorate Mass. This Mass is an ancient tradition which takes place during
This weekend, the Feast of Christ the King, we celebrate the last week of Ordinary Time and joyfully prepare for the great
As we continue into this month, dedicated to the beloved Souls in Purgatory, let us continue to remember them in our prayers.
The Sacred Scriptures continue to provide us with extraordinary examples of discipleship. Over the past weeks, James and John have shown us
In the Gospel today one of the scribes asks Jesus, “which is the first of all the Commandments.” Jesus responds: "Hear, O
The Gospel this weekend, along with last Sunday’s Gospel, gives us a keen insight into our understanding of prayer. Last weekend, James
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Each year we have our Parish Grand Annual Appeal, which supports our life together here at
In the Gospel this weekend, Jesus raises marriage to the dignity of the Sacraments. The Code of Canon Law, which governs the