ROC uses catechetical teachings, media, prayer opportunities, and small group discussions to teach teens about the Catholic faith and continue their formation into adult Christians. Some of the topics that are covered at ROC nights are personal prayer, the Mass and the Eucharist, morality, the Father, Christmas and the Incarnation, Sainthood, the Theology of the Body, and more.
Our Confirmation program is centered on Jesus in the Eucharist. We try to reinforce the importance of the centrality of the Eucharist in the Catholic faith by strongly encouraging the teens to attend Mass devoutly and by offering opportunities for Eucharistic Adoration.
Classes are held in the Church at 6:15 pm for grade 9 on the following Mondays.
Classes are held in the Church at 6:45 pm for Grade 10 on the following Mondays.
Class Schedule:
Session 1: September 30th {Sin, Grace & the Paschal Mystery}
Session 2: October 7th {Devotions: the Rosary, Chaplets & Stations of the Cross}
Session 3: October 21st {Saints and Patron Saints}
Session 4: November 4th {The Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism & the Eucharist}
Session 5: November 18th {The Sacraments of Healing: Confession & Anointing of the Sick}
Session 6: November 25th {The Sacraments at the Service of Communion: Marriage and Holy Orders}
Session 7: December 2nd {The Sacrament of Confirmation}
Thursday, December 12th {Confirmation Rehearsals}
Friday, December 13th {9th Grade Confirmation at 5:00 pm}
Friday, December 13th {10th Grade Confirmation at 6:30 pm}
If you would like to learn more about our program or if you wish to be added to the email list, then please email Matthew at: stmaryslt97@gmail.com.