On Ash Wednesday, we gathered for the annual imposition of ashes on our foreheads to mark the beginning of a forty-day journey with our Lord into the desert.  Prior to Ash Wednesday, many parishioners were on retreat at Betania II Retreat Center in Medway.  Fr. Joseph Ferme, who was stationed here, led us in three meditations.  Fr. Ferme mentioned the three mounts that we encounter in Lent; namely, the Mount of Temptations, Mount Tabor, and Mount Calvary.  Today we begin our journey with the Lord on the Mount of Temptations.  Here the devil attempts to trip up our Lord by appealing to the desire for physical wants and needs.  In each appeal, whether it be for food, power, or recognition, our Lord does not entertain the devil’s promptings.  Instead, our Lord remains steadfast and dismisses each of the devil’s claims.  For us, we too must refute and dismiss the devil’s temptations.  Prior to the fall of Cain, the Lord God warned Cain that sin is a demon lurking at the door.  Today, Christ shows us how to keep the door closed!

Sincerely Yours in Christ,
Fr. Wayne