The disciples of our Lord were hard at work all night in their boats.  By morning, they were exhausted!  Our Lord comes and instructs them to put out into deeper waters and cast their nets.  St. Peter, as tired as can be, obeys our Lord’s instructions.  And, to everybody’s surprise, they make a catch of a lifetime!  So much so, they need great assistance in hauling in the nets.  Once the nets are brought in, what do they do?  They leave it all there on the shoreline and follow Him.  Why would they do such a thing?  This truly was the greatest catch that they had ever made.  Yet, they left it because our Lord asked them to do so.  Now, I completely understand that it would seem out of the question to leave such a catch.  Think, however, for a moment what they experienced.  At the Lord’s instruction, they lowered the nets and saw unbelievable results.  I cannot help but think that they must have pondered what else was in store for them.  The same is true for us.  If we cooperate with our Lord’s instructions, then great things are in store for each and every one of us.  We need to trust Him and simply follow Him ~ He will do the rest!

Sincerely Yours in Christ,
Fr. Wayne