

I think most would agree that a choir is wonderful thing. If you attend the 11:00am Mass where there is a choir present thirty-five weeks out of the year, I’m sure you’ll agree the sound coming from all of the voices is quite beautiful. St. Mary’s is blessed to have great choirs that enrich our liturgies. But just as important, there are others that have a role in making beautiful music as well. Do you know who that might be? Ah, I have a feeling you know where I’m going with this! This music includes you! Music is a wonderful way of lifting our prayers to God and in joining together in proclaiming God’s word and the creeds of the church as one assembled body in Christ. In addition to the Eucharist, the reason people assemble on a Sunday or a holy day, is that there is strength from a single act when carried out by one large assembly, and this includes sung worship in addition to spoken worship.

Listening to sacred music inspires us to pray with greater purpose, but all are called to join in the sacred sound in most cases. The only time the choirs should sing alone is when you see “Choir Anthem” listed in your worship aid, or when they, or the cantors intone (or introduce) the refrain (or recurring part before and after a set of verses). Otherwise, you are invited and encouraged to sing! And please do encourage your children as well! They are the future. If they want to make noise in church, the hymns and sung parts of the Mass are the perfect time to do that. The music, for most parts of the liturgy that I speak of, was written for you! Singing in a sacred space is nothing to be embarrassed or shy about! You may have read before that when it comes to music, St. Mary’s isn’t meant to be a library. It was designed to be filled with the sounds of our prayers, other spoken parts of the Mass, and with “joyful noise.” This phrase is present more than once in the Book of Psalms and refers to the call to “come before His presence with singing” (Psalm 100).

There may be times when you may have said to yourself or others, “the organ’s louder than the singer(s) at different parts of the Mass and I can’t always discern the text when I listen.” Those are times when the hundreds of people present for Mass are being encouraged to sing as opposed to listen. There is strength in numbers! Again, please know that this music was written for you! During these times, cantors and choirs lead or embellish, but God’s spotlight is on all of us.

Since Vatican II, generally, the number of times during a Mass when a choir or cantor sings alone, is minimal with respect to the entire liturgy. Our organ is a great instrument which was designed specifically for this building and for “lending support” for singing. The sound produced (with depth) is also to serve the purpose that no one feels they stand out or are singled out in such an assembly. The beauty of the instrument is all the varieties of sound are present within a single instrument; such that it can speak just above the sound of a whisper, and on the other end of the spectrum, portrays the power of God, while possessing qualities of individual orchestral instruments, and sounds unique to the organ in between.

St. Mary’s has been privileged to have a Mass in honor of St. Josemaria every June for the last several years. And although there are perhaps more people present for these occasions than a typical Sunday Mass here, I must tell you that there are times when I feel these folks are significantly louder than I. These moments some of us have experienced here were and are truly inspirational. There’s no reason why such enthusiasm can’t be present on a weekly basis. I believe in you! Remember Deacon Kelley’s words: “God wants more from us, because he wants more FOR us.” How appropriate that these words are also applied to our sung praises.

Kyle Bertulli,
Music Director



Adult Choir (16 years and older)

The St. Mary’s Adult Choir has a rich history and has served St. Mary’s Parish for several decades, including several Funerals and Weddings. This ensemble is a mixed choir consisting of both female and male singers, represented by a wide range of age groups, abilities and experiences in music and choral singing. The ability to read music is not a requirement but is certainly welcome. No prior choral experience is required to join! Musical literacy skills are taught and encouraged during rehearsal, which are helpful when learning new pieces of music. The Adult Choir’s repertoire consists of a variety of musical periods, ranging from the Renaissance era to the present. No audition is required to join, although the director reserves the right to assign new members to a particular section or voice part. The only requirements to join are that you are able to carry a tune and you work well in a group environment. Each section is represented by at least one experienced singer. This choir is supportive of fellow members. The choir and the director are willing to assist newcomers when necessary. Most singing is done from the choir loft and accompanied by organ. Occasionally, the choir sings at the front of the church with piano accompaniment, and at other times unaccompanied. Whether you have prior choral/musical experience, or you would be attempting to sing in a choir for the first time, we welcome your participation! Give us a try!

The Adult Choir sings on Sundays at the 11:00am Mass from September through the first Sunday of June and rehearses on Thursday evenings from 7:00 to 8:30 and Sunday mornings from 10:15 to 10:45.

Junior Choir (Middle School & High School)

This ensemble builds upon the skills taught in the Children’s Choir, and especially builds on the concept of part singing. Most of the repertoire for this ensemble is in two-part harmony, and occasionally three-part harmony. The Junior Choir rehearses the last three weeks of every month (with exceptions) from September through May and sings at approximately 5-6 Masses per year. An end of the year day trip to Canobie Lake Park is planned every June. Parents and siblings are also invited. If your child expresses an interest in music or enjoys singing, we strongly encourage them to sign up for this ensemble.  Rehearsals are the last three Tuesdays of each month from 4:30-5:30 pm.

Children’s Choir (Grades 3-7)

Children learn the foundations of music, ensemble singing, and team building skills. The Children’s Choir sings mostly unison repertoire and occasionally repertoire in two-part harmony. Children sing for approximately 6-8 Sunday Masses per year, as well as the 4:00pm Christmas Eve Mass, and First Communion Masses in May. We try to make this ensemble an enjoyable experience for everyone, both in rehearsal style, and through musical games where possible. Team building skills, which are taught and promoted in this group, are valuable tools in other areas of our lives. It is a priority of the director to maintain strong relationships with both children and their parents/guardians, and communication takes place regularly in an effort to maintain an organized but enjoyable ensemble experience. An end of the year day trip to Canobie Lake Park is planned every June, and we all have a wonderful time. If your child expresses an interest in music or enjoys singing, we strongly encourage their enrollment. Many friendships have developed in this choir over the years and has been rather enjoyable for many. We rehearse beginning in mid to late September and conclude at the beginning of June.  Rehearsals are on Tuesdays from 6:30-7:30 pm.
