We are just days away from entering into the Lenten Season. On Wednesday we will mark the beginning of our Lenten Observance with the ashes on our foreheads. So, we will have the typical conversations as we do each year prior to Ash Wednesday ~ What are you going to give up this year for Lent? In these days, as you engage in that conversation, please consider taking advantage of the spiritual programs offered by the parish during the next forty days. For Lent, perhaps you can take on participating in the many Holy Masses, hours of Confession, Stations of the Cross, Rosary, Book Clubs, Bible Studies, Men’s and Women’s Lenten Programs, Eucharistic Adoration Challenge, and other faith based programs. Above all, we can make this an extraordinary Lent by spending extra personal time in prayer and reading the Holy Bible and other spiritual books. Let us take these next forty days of Lent with a special seriousness and offer to the Lord the sacrifice of our time each of these days.
Sincerely Yours in Christ,
Fr. Wayne