As we continue to journey with our Lord into this season of Lent, we leave the desolation of the desert to reach the heights of Mount Tabor.  In the desert, we encountered the devil and then the Angels sent from God.  Today, we encounter Moses, Elijah, Peter, John, and James.  Let us not forget that we also hear the voice of God.  In both instances, it is     extremely important for us to observe exactly what is happening.  In the desert, the Lord resisted the taunts and temptations of the devil.  He, thus, provided us a model on how we can do likewise; that is remain steadfast in doing God’s will.  Today, we observe Christ in the center of the dramatic scene on Mount Tabor, a depiction of which is above our main altar.  The only way that we will be able to keep the devil at bay and resist him is to keep  Christ at the center of our lives.  In doing so, we focus on His words and actions and seek to imitate Him in all that He does.  If we do that, then, this will be a fruitful and productive Lent.

Sincerely Yours in Christ,
Fr. Wayne