This weekend the Christmas Season has concluded and we have entered into the Liturgical Season of Ordinary Time, leading us to Ash Wednesday. As I so often remind people, any time spent encountering our Lord is nothing shy of extraordinary. So, there is nothing ordinary about this time. We are blessed here at St. Mary’s to have an abundance of opportunities to encounter our Lord.
Let me highlight a few of these opportunities that occur on a weekly basis… Holy Masses, Confessions (Tuesday, Friday & Saturday), Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament (St. Joseph Chapel), Monday Night Family Rosary, The Monica Hour, Tuesday Young Adult Rosary & Discussion Group, Wednesday Night Liturgy of the Hours, LifeTeen Pizza & Prayer, Legion of Mary, Gospel Studies, Rosary, Devine Mercy Chaplet, Our Lady of Sorrows Devotions, Senior Exercise, Thursday Knitters, and Friday Stations of the Cross. This list does not include the monthly gatherings for seniors, young/new families, women and men’s groups, Rosary to those of all abilities, grandparents group, Book Club, Connected in Christ, Religious Education and Faith Formation (including 17 men and women in the Adult Confirmation class, 111 young men and women confirmed in December and 64 who will be confirmed in April, 55 boys and girls in the First Holy Communion Class) and so many other programs that are spiritual, educational, and social.
I highlight these programs and mention there are many more to show that there are ample opportunities for you to grow in the faith and encounter Christ. The rest is up to you.
Sincerely Yours in Christ,
Fr. Wayne