Saint Mary of the Assumption Cemetery

290 Grove Street

West Roxbury, MA 02132

A Roman Catholic cemetery reflects our religious beliefs concerning the faithful departed. Burial in consecrated ground is a sign of our baptismal commitment and gives witness, even in death, to our faith in Christ’s resurrection. “The dead are in the hands of God; no torment can touch them.” (Wisdom 3.1) The mortal remains of our loved ones await the resurrection of the body on the last day. We assist the dead spiritually through our prayers; most especially through assisting at Holy Mass where we link all of our concerns and cares to the life-giving Passion of Jesus Christ.

In Church Law a Catholic cemetery is a sacred place. “In a sacred place only those things are to be permitted which serve to exercise or promote worship, piety, and religion. Anything out of harmony with the holiness of the place is forbidden.” (Canon 1210) Accordingly, the outward appearance of the cemetery should reflect faith, simplicity, and restraint.

Our objective is to maintain a cemetery that reflects Catholic teaching. This Cemetery Policy Manual is presented to inform both Parishioners and non-parishioners of the operation and maintenance of our Parish Cemetery. It contains clear, concise, and helpful information to aid everyone in understanding our policy. If you require further information, please contact the Parish Office.

For information regarding graves or burials, please contact the Parish Office at 781-326-0550

Cemetery Policy & Procedures

St. Mary’s Cemetery Regulations

St. Mary’s Cemetery Fees