Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist

Assists with the preparation of sacred vessels for Mass, distributes the Eucharist under both species of Body and Blood, helps to clean sacred vessels and put them away after Mass.  Distributing the Eucharist is a sublime and profoundly important task of which no one is truly worthy.  A deep love of the Lord present in the Eucharist is required.  The feeling of love that is derived from this service is all encompassing.  Time requirement- one or two times per month – be present 15 minutes before Mass and stay 10 minutes after Mass.

Contact:  Carole Poirier

Youth Altar Servers

St. Mary’s is looking for youth starting in the 4th grade to be Altar Servers.  Altar Servers are present in a very special way during Holy Mass.  Their proximity to the altar allows them to experience Mass in a very intimate way.  They assist the priests and deacon in all aspects of the Mass.  It is from this ministry that many priests and religious recall the initial sense of being called by God.  Altar Servers are expected to serve the parish at least two or three Masses per month, depending on how many servers we will have.

Contact:  Deacon Kelley, Coordinator

Adult Altar Servers for Funerals

Adult men and women of any age are invited to serve at any funeral Masses here at St. Mary’s.  This would include availability, according to your schedule, on Monday through Saturday mornings.  Speak to the parish secretary for more information.

Contact:  Dolores Johnson, Parish Secretary (781) 326-0550

Lectors (Sunday Mass and Holy Days)

Proclaim the Word of God at Mass.  Must possess the ability to read in front of a large congregation, have good pronunciation skills, and a love for the Word of God and the Mass.  Training is provided to help with confidence, pacing and style.  Lectors proclaim at about two Masses per month.

Contact:  Jeff Ladino


Do you enjoy praising God in song? If so, consider joining a choir this Fall!   We are seeking new singers in all choirs (2nd Grade and older). 

Adult ~ Ages 18 and older–to sing almost weekly at 11:00am Sunday Mass, except for summer.  Rehearsals beginning Thursday, September 9th at 7:00pm.

Junior ~ Grades 7-12–to sing at 8-10 Masses a year (mostly Sundays at 9:00am). Rehearsals beginning Friday, September 10th at 4:00pm

Children ~ Grades 2-6–to sing at 5-6 Masses a year (mostly Sundays at 9:00am).  Rehearsals beginning Friday, September 10th at 4:00pm

Contact:  Joohwa Park, Music Director (781) 326-0550 (ext. 137)

Offertory Collection Counters

Responsible for counting the collections from all weekend Masses.  Counting takes place on Sunday from approximately 10:00am to 12:00 noon.  It is a great way to get to know other parishioners as you are helping out our parish with this important task.  You do not need to have any experience handling money. We can train anyone who is interested in participating in this important ministry.  Our goal is to have 4 people on each Sunday and to have enough people that each person is only responsible to be present once a month.

Contact:  Maureen Randall or Mike Lembo


Assist those who are being seated in the pews and help to find them seats when the church approaches full capacity.  Ushers take up the collections at Mass and ensure their delivery to the priest and/or counting team.

Contact:  Deacon Kelley McCormick

Life Teen Band

Assist the music ministry on Sunday evenings at the Life Teen Mass.  We have a contemporary band featuring guitars, bass, drums, piano, and vocals.  If interested in joining, please contact Brandon Fitts