From the Pastor’s Desk . . .
The Sacred Scriptures continue to provide us with extraordinary examples of discipleship. Over the past weeks, James and John have shown us
The Sacred Scriptures continue to provide us with extraordinary examples of discipleship. Over the past weeks, James and John have shown us
In the Gospel today one of the scribes asks Jesus, “which is the first of all the Commandments.” Jesus responds: "Hear, O
The Gospel this weekend, along with last Sunday’s Gospel, gives us a keen insight into our understanding of prayer. Last weekend, James
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Each year we have our Parish Grand Annual Appeal, which supports our life together here at
In the Gospel this weekend, Jesus raises marriage to the dignity of the Sacraments. The Code of Canon Law, which governs the
Once again, the time has arrived for us to commemorate and celebrate the 27th Anniversary of the St. Mary’s Life Teen Program.
With the academic school year well underway, many of our parish faith formation programs are about to kick-off. The Parish Religious Education
In Italian, there is an expression: “dalle stelle alle stalle,” which loosely translates “from the stars to the stalls.” This basically speaks
The Divine House Guest of Souls Last week I mentioned a new prayer devotion for your consideration. This new devotion, the fruit
The Divine House Guest of Souls This new devotion, the fruit of prayer in our Adoration Chapel, has been approved by the