“Sir, leave it for this year also, and I shall cultivate the ground around it and fertilize it; it may bear fruit in the future.” 

 Although we are not privy to know whether the fig tree ever bears fruit again, the Gospel highlights the attention extended to the fig tree.  The servant in the field undertakes a program of caring, fertilizing, and looking after the barren fig tree.  It is his earnest desire that once such nurturing is given to the tree, then perhaps it will again bear fruit. We are called to be that servant and give our souls a program of care and protection in order to ensure that we bear fruit.  The program you and I can undertake in this Lenten Season is one of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving.  By doing so, we are demonstrating great care to our soul and we are allowing the Holy Spirit to work within us to bring forth that fruit.

Prayer helps us overcome that disordered craving of a spirit of pride.  Our prayer must be our humble interaction with God in which we acknowledge Him as the Father and we as His children.

Fasting will allow us to fight against the disordered craving for pleasure, whether it be for food or any other thing of which we can never seem to get enough.

Almsgiving assists us in controlling the disordered cravings for possessions by providing us a vehicle in which we can be detached from material things while recognizing they are not all that necessary.  If we accept this Lenten Program, then we will ensure, with the help of God’s grace, abundant fruit.

Sincerely Yours in Christ,

Fr. Wayne