From the Pastor’s Desk . . .
In today’s Gospel, Jesus repeats three times: “Peace be with you.” After the second time that He offers peace, He then gives
In today’s Gospel, Jesus repeats three times: “Peace be with you.” After the second time that He offers peace, He then gives
On behalf of the entire Parish Staff here at St. Mary’s, I would like to wish each and every one of you
“My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?” As we hear Jesus utter these words, we may be shocked to think
Next weekend, we will together enter into a week which we call holy. The events unfold beginning with the entrance of Christ
In the Gospel today, Jesus makes mention of the Old Testament time in which the people grumbled against God and rejected Him.
As we enter this third Sunday of Lent, we are presented in the Gospel with the familiar scene of Jesus chasing out
In the first reading today from the Book of Genesis, we see that God asked Abraham to do something extremely difficult if
On Wednesday, our Lenten journey began. Just as Jesus spent 40 days in the desert and was tempted by the devil; and
This Wednesday, we will once again enter into the season of Lent with the celebration of Ash Wednesday. I would encourage each
Often I hear people lament that there just doesn’t seem to be enough time to do everything in one day. As a