“Remain in My Love . . .”

The Gospel this weekend continues to remind us of the importance of staying connected to Christ.  He admonishes and invites us to remain always in His love.  With this invitation, there is an attached promise.  If we remain in His love the joy that He embodies will be ours.  That simply means that true joy is found in Christ.  If you want to be happy stay connected to the source of all joy and happiness.  How do we stay connected?  Jesus gives us the formula — keep the Commandments.  Which ones? All!  So today, examine how well you have lived out each of the Commandments by making a good Examination of Conscience.  A brief but fruitful Examination of Conscience that can be done daily is:

What have I done well today ~ thank you?
What have I done poorly today ~ forgive me?
What area do I most need to improve in today ~ help me more?

Yours in Christ,
Fr. Wayne