Parish Life
St. Mary’s is blessed with a very active parish life. We encourage you to participate in any of the spiritual and social activities provided. Young and older people will find events geared to their age group.
Parish News
From the Pastor’s Desk . . .
In the Gospel today Peter makes a bold move by climbing out of the boat, at the beckoning of Jesus, and walking on water. Peter trusted Jesus enough to get out of the boat and
From the Pastor’s Desk . . .
In the Gospel today, we encounter Christ and the multiplication of the loaves and fish. Some modern day theorists attempt to explain how Jesus fed the five thousand with such meager provisions. They claim that
From the Pastor’s Desk . . .
Thank You to our Seminarians! It does not seem possible, but the time has come for our seminarians, Brian Daley, Patrick O’Connor, Peter Schirripa, and Nick Stano to complete their assignment here at St. Mary’s.
From the Pastor’s Desk . . .
Last weekend, we spoke about the reception of the Word of God. We reflected that the ideal conditions for this Word to take root in our lives and bear fruit is for the soil of
From the Pastor’s Desk . . .
In the Gospel this weekend, we hear of a parable that contains seed that is sown and the ground in which it is received. Think for a moment of the different surfaces that the seed
From the Pastor’s Desk . . .
Over the past few Sundays, Jesus has been giving us a glimpse on what discipleship entails. Two weeks ago, we learned that the point of departure for discipleship was to acknowledge Christ before others. Last