Parish Life
St. Mary’s is blessed with a very active parish life. We encourage you to participate in any of the spiritual and social activities provided. Young and older people will find events geared to their age group.
Parish News
From the Pastor’s Desk . . .
The Gospel this weekend continues the theme of repentance and forgiveness. The Parable of the Two Sons is a reminder that all of us at one time or another must seek forgiveness for the sins
From the Pastor’s Desk . . .
In Paul’s Letter to the Philippians today, he advises them: “Conduct yourselves in a way worthy of the Gospel of Christ.” This is a call for each of us to heed;. we must conduct all our affairs
From the Pastor’s Desk . . .
In the Gospel this weekend, Jesus reminds us that we are called to forgive over and over again. In emphasizing the true nature of forgiveness, Jesus introduces the parable the unmerciful servant. In the first
From the Pastor’s Desk . . .
The Gospel today introduces to us an important component in helping others grow in holiness. It is a practice known as fraternal correction. Pope Benedict XVI commented on fraternal correction in his Angelus message in
From the Pastor’s Desk . . .
In the Gospel last Sunday, Peter boldly proclaimed Christ to be the Son of God. This weekend, Peter is the one who now attempts to frustrate the very plan of God. Jesus describes the type
From the Pastor’s Desk . . .
In the Gospel today, we find Jesus asking a very poignant question; namely, “who do you say that I am?” These words should provoke a desire within each of our minds and hearts to answer