Welcome to St. Mary’s Parish
We are so happy and blessed to have you visit our website. St. Mary’s is a parish deeply rooted in the mission of the Church, where prayer and the sacraments are at the center of what we do. Our magnificent upper Church, dedicated in 1900, is the heart of our parish. In the lower level of the Church you will find Mary Hall, where many parish events take place. There you will also see the Life House, the location of our very vibrant Life Teen Youth Ministry Program, which is in its 21st year. The Parish Center houses the parish offices, and is located in the brick building behind the Church. The rectory is next to the Church. It is the residence of the parish priests, as well as for other priests with responsibilities throughout the Archdiocese. The priests and entire staff are here for you.
Church & Chapel
The Church is open daily from 7:00 am – 6:00 pm & Saint Joseph Chapel is open daily to the public for Perpetual Adoration from 6:00 am – 11:00 pm (The Church & Chapel are handicap accessible by the rear parking lot).
Make St. Mary’s Your Home
We extend an invitation for you to join our parish. Each parishioner plays an important role in our life together. The celebration of the Eucharist is the heart of all activities. Come share your faith and yourself in one of our parish ministries. Please know the doors of this Church and our hearts are open to you at all times.
Chaplet of Divine Mercy
Chaplet of Divine Mercy is prayed daily (Monday-Friday) at 3:00 p.m. in the St. Joseph Chapel. Please join us!
Wisdom of God in the Lives of the Saints
by Fr. Dominic
“Prayer is the asking of God of those things which it is proper for us to ask.” -St. John Damascene
If we want to know what the proper things to ask are, then it may be wise to begin by pondering the reason God created us in the first place. It is from this starting point that we might dare to boldly and confidently ask God in prayer for things that are beneficial for our well being. It was out of pure love that God created us. He desires all humans and angels to share in His divine life by His graces. His goodness and glory are poured into His creations, to a greater degree with humans and angels because they are made in His image and likeness. As a rational creature, there is a deep desire not only to know about God, but to also know Him as He is. With this foundation in mind, we set out in prayer to ask God to dispose us to the three supernatural virtues, Faith, Hope and Charity. First, we ask God to illuminate our minds so that we may know Him. This may involve us taking the time to do some reading and studying of Holy Writings in order that we may understand what has already been revealed to us. From this knowledge grows a fervent longing to be with Him because of who He is; thus, we pray for the increase in the virtue of Hope. Above all these, we pray for an increase in Charity, that is loving God for the sake of God! As the psalmist would pray, “Whom have I in heaven but You? And there is nothing on earth that I desire other than You” (Psalm 73:25).
Knights of Columbus Corner
Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism are the guiding principles of the Knights of Columbus. We are your brothers, cousins, and neighbors. A Knights of Columbus Council does great work and can help change the community in which you live. Each local council evaluates the needs of their community and implements programs and activities that are most needed. If you are interested in learning more about our local council please email us at: dedhamkofc234@gmail.com or visit us at www.dedhamkofc234.org.
We are holding a Diaper Drive in support of Birthright. They desperately need diaper sizes 3,4,5 as well as baby wipes, baby shampoo, and baby wash. Please leave donations in the porta-crib at the Church entrance. The Knights will pick them up and deliver them to Birthright. Thank you for your generosity.
Dedham Food Pantry
To help our parish community fulfill our calling to serve our neighbors, we are beginning a monthly donation drive for the Dedham Food Pantry. This month we will be coffee. Collection boxes can be found at the front and back entrances of the Church. Thank you!
The Food Pantry and St. Mary’s are grateful for the donations. However, please make sure the food items donated are not expired. Thank you.
Saint Mary’s has Perpetual Adoration in Saint Joseph’s Chapel
Jesus waits for you in the Blessed Sacrament ~ Let your heart be moved by Him!
He waits to see you and longs for your friendship. Spending time with Him in Adoration not only radiates grace to the world and gives life to your soul, but it gives His heart joy! He waits to hear your needs and concerns. Jesus wants to hear about what’s important to you. Confidently bring it to Him in prayer. Talk to Him as your best friend. He cares about you! He waits to encounter your love and is present in the Eucharist and in every person you meet. Reach out each day with acts of kindness to others. It transforms hearts and helps others tangibly experience the goodness of God! Pray to Him daily. Visit Jesus in the tabernacle and Eucharistic Adoration. Let your heart be moved by Him!
There is a new addition to St. Joseph Chapel! As you enter the Chapel, you will notice posters of Eucharistic Miracles. Please take a moment and check out these extraordinary miracles. Periodically the posters will be changed to introduce you to the various miracles.
Want to be an Adorer or Substitute?
Visit: https://adorationpro.org/maryma.
The Family Rosary
The Family Rosary is prayed every Monday Evening at 5:00 p.m. in the Church
“If you wish peace to reign in your homes, recite the Family Rosary” ~ Pope Saint Pius X
St. Mary’s LifeTeen Group
St. Mary’s Life Teen offers a wide variety of events geared to teens in high school.
For complete information on Life Teen, click the link below.
25 Avery Street
Dedham, MA 02026
Weekend Masses
Saturdays 4pm
Sundays 7am, 9am, 11am & 5pm