From the Pastor’s desk . . .
In the Gospel today, Jesus exclaims to the woman who came to Him asking for help for her tormented daughter: “Great is
In the Gospel today, Jesus exclaims to the woman who came to Him asking for help for her tormented daughter: “Great is
This weekend marks my first anniversary as pastor of St. Mary’s. This has been an incredible year that has been filled with
Each week, we are treated to a spectacular reminder and image of the Transfiguration of our Lord. The main Altar centerpiece is
These past few weeks the Gospels have been speaking directly to us regarding the gift of our faith. Jesus, through the use
Adult Sacramental Preparation ~ The parish is always ready to receive adults into the process of preparation for baptism or reception into
This weekend, Jesus continues His discourse of sowing seeds that have the potential of producing a rich harvest. Today, however, we encounter
Congratulations Peter Schirripa on his acceptance into St. John’s Seminary! Peter will begin his formation this Fall. We are grateful that another
The Gospel this weekend speaks about sowing seeds. Jesus reminds us that any seed that is sowed on good and fertile soil
So often we hear this particular passage of the Bible at funerals or at wake services for those we love who have
This week I invite each of you to pause and reflect on the sacrifices that were made for our freedom and for