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Parish News
From the Pastor’s Desk . . .
The Divine House Guest of Souls This new devotion, the fruit of prayer in our Adoration Chapel, has been approved by the Archdiocese of Boston and has received the nihil obstat and imprimatur. The devotion
From the Pastor’s Desk . . .
In his Apostolic Constitution entitled Divino afflantu, Pope Saint Pius X wrote: “The collection of psalms found in Scripture, composed as it was under divine inspiration, has, from the very beginnings of the Church, shown a wonderful
Welcome Archbishop-elect Richard Henning!
Archbishop-elect Richard G. Henning, S.T.D. was born in Rockville Centre, New York in 1964 to Richard and Maureen Henning, the first of five siblings. He grew up in Valley Stream receiving the sacraments of Baptism,
From the Pastor’s Desk . . .
Jesus continues this weekend with the Bread of Life Discourse. He reminds us that this Bread from Heaven offers us the remission of sins; nourishes our way of life; is a gift that comes from
From the Pastor’s Desk . . .
In the first reading and in the Gospel this weekend, we see first hand how God will not be outdone in generosity. Elisha fed one hundred people with loaves of bread, with more to spare
From the Pastor’s Desk . . .
In today’s first reading, the Prophet Jeremiah warns us: “Woe to the shepherds who mislead and scatter the flock of my pasture, says the Lord.” As I reflect on these words, I am painfully aware