This weekend, the Feast of Christ the King, we celebrate the last week of Ordinary Time and joyfully prepare for the great Season of Advent. As Deacon Kelley reminded us last Sunday, this weekend ends the Church’s Liturgical year and next Sunday will be the beginning of the Church’s New Year. He spoke about spiritual resolutions; might I suggest that this week we think about what it is we intend to resolve. Perhaps, we can begin next Sunday, the First Sunday of Advent, with the resolution to give Christ our whole heart. During these past weeks, the Scriptures speak to us about discipleship. True disciples give completely of themselves. In order for us to do the same, we must decide who it is we are going to follow. This Sunday, the Church gives for our consideration the One who is worthy of both leadership and following ~ Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe.
“If we are trying to have Christ as our King we must be consistent. We must start by giving Him our heart. Not to do that and still talk about the kingdom of Christ would be completely hollow. There would be no real Christian substance in our behavior. We would be making an outward show of a faith which simply did not exist. We would be misusing God’s name to human advantage.” ~ St. Josemaria
Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ, King of endless glory!
Yours in Christ,
Fr. Wayne