Last Friday evening, a woman came to the rectory inquiring if this was the only St. Mary’s Church in Dedham.  I assured her we were.  She told me she is from St. Mary’s Church, in of all places, Dedham but Dedham, England.  And get this . . . the Church is on High Street!  She showed me  pictures of the Church pews that have carved on them images of our Church, the Slattery House, the seal of the town and the Commonwealth.  There were also pews that have two “D’s,” for Dedham, interconnected to show the bond between the two Churches.  The Parish Pastoral Council is in the process of exploring this relationship and the history of the two Churches.  In the weeks to come more will be said regarding this project with our sister parish in England.  Who knows, we may even take a pilgrimage over to visit!  In the meantime, let us pray for our brothers and sisters in Dedham, England.