Happy Mother’s Day!

This weekend, we celebrate Mother’s Day.  It is a wonderful opportunity for each of us to reflect on the blessings we have received from God through the many sacrifices, acts of love, and examples from our mothers.  We thank God for  them whether they are living or deceased, and, this weekend we offer a special prayer for them.  Let us also be mindful of those women who have played a motherly role in our lives, may they too be rewarded for their love and sacrifices.  As you thank your mothers and those who have been an example of motherhood for you, please do not forget to thank our Blessed Mother, Mary for Her Motherly care in our lives.  St. Josemaria once said in relation to Our Blessed Mother and Mother’s Day:

“We are in the month of May, which is arguably the most beautiful month of the year… therefore it is very appropriate for us to celebrate this month as the month of Our Mother, in fact, we celebrate Mother’s Day for very good reason in the month of May.”

May Mary, Mother of the Church and Mother of us all watch over and protect Her children.  Let us pray that we can be worthy children of so noble a Mother.