Today, we celebrate the beautiful feast of the Epiphany ~ the Visit of the Magi.  They brought with them gifts that revealed the identity of the Child in the Manger.  They were keenly aware of who He was.  I often wonder, knowing who He is, what gift would I bring to the Child?  They brought gold, frankincense, and myrrh; yet, what would I bring that Child?  This is something worth pondering.  Each gift given by the Magi was significant and important in recognizing and identifying Christ.  Do I have such a gift that recognizes Him as the Son of God?  And, is my gift important in revealing His identity to the world?  Take some time this week and think of that gift you would like to bring to Christ.  And, perhaps, our New Year’s Resolution can be that we will actually give Him that gift.

Sincerely Yours in Christ,
Fr. Wayne