This weekend the Church enters into the Third Sunday of Advent ~ Gaudete Sunday.  We are nearing the moment in which the gift of God’s love and the promise for salvation entered our world.  Let us use these remaining days, which are brief, to continue to prepare our minds and hearts for such a gift.  These are graced filled days of hope and optimism.  Pope Saint John Paull II reminds us: “The liturgy for the Third Sunday of Advent, also called “Gaudete” Sunday, invites us to intensify the interior pace of our pilgrimage to the Lord who comes to save us. Jesus, source of our peace, is coming. For this reason, despite difficulties and problems, we must all be full of holy optimism. St Paul urges us: “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice” (Phil 4:4).

Sincerely Yours in Christ,
Fr. Wayne