This weekend marks the end of the Liturgical Year.  As we celebrate the last week of Ordinary Time, we make the necessary preparations for the new Liturgical Year beginning with the Season of Advent.  Today is the great Feast of Christ the King.  Jesus rules unlike any king that the world has ever seen or known.  He reigns not from a golden throne, but a wooden Cross.  He wears not a crown of jewels on His head, rather He wears a Crown of Thorns.  He holds not a scepter in His sacred hands, instead His hands are free to hold all who need Him.  Yes, our King is not your ordinary king.  He is the Son of God.  Take to heart the parable today of the sheep and the goats.  Are you prepared to serve the needs of our brothers and sisters so as to be found worthy of the Kingdom of God?

Sincerely Yours in Christ,
Fr. Wayne