Continuing with building the Plan of Life, let us look at where we are. We have begun the day with the Morning Offering, daily reading of a passage from the New Testament, and then Aspirations said throughout the day. This week, I ask you to consider doing some Spiritual Reading. Again, like the reading of the New Testament, this does not need to be time consuming. You can take a trustworthy book from a Saint, the
Fathers of the Church, the Doctors of the Church, or some well-respected spiritual author and read a chapter or two, or even a few pages at a time. Focus on a book that explores the faith. The Library at St. Mary’s (located on the first floor of the Parish Center) is open daily and has many books on Spirituality ~ among other topics. If you have difficulty in selecting a book, ask Fr. Dominic, Elizabeth Healy (our Pastoral Associate who has a Book Club once a month), or me. Spending a few minutes reading and praying with a particular book truly deepens our faith life and provides nourishment for our prayer to help keep God present in our daily lives.
Faithfully Yours in Christ,
Fr. Wayne