Let us continue with our discussion on formulating a Plan of Life.  Once you do the Heroic Minute and make your Morning Offering, you have begun the day by turning your first moments over to God.  The morning is off to a great start.  Now, before leaving the house, take two minutes (literally just two minutes) and read a passage from the New Testament.  It could be as simple as reading one sentence, a few lines, or if time allows, a paragraph.  Try to pick one Book of the New Testament and have your reading be a continuation from one day to the next.  Throughout the day keep that passage in mind and pray with it.  This will help you to have a familiarity with the Bible and give you something to ponder and reflect on throughout the day.

Fr. José Manuel Martín reminds us that reading the New Testament provides:  “a personal encounter with Christ and identification with Him. Hence this is the importance of reading the New Testament, along with the Gospel accounts of Our Lord’s life, the Acts of the Apostles and the Apostolic Letters. This meditative reading leads to making Christ’s life the foundation of one’s own existence and is necessarily reflected in one’s behavior.”

Faithfully Yours in Christ,
Fr. Wayne