Each time that we enter the Church, we have the opportunity to see this weekend’s Gospel scene played out before our very eyes.  It is the center panel of our Altar piece.  We see to the right and left of Jesus the figures of Moses and Elijah.  They are the two most prominent figures of the Old Testament, for they represent the Law (Moses) and the Prophets (Elijah).  Christ is positioned between them and slightly elevated above them to show of His pre-eminence over them.  That is, Jesus is the fulfillment of both the Law and the Prophets.  Peter, James, and John are granted the privilege of seeing the Divine glory of Christ.  They are consumed with joy; so much so, that Peter desires to prolong the experience on the top of the mountain.  It is our Lord who reminds Peter that work needs to be done.  SO, down the mountain they go.  They had an encounter with Christ, heard the voice of the Father, and they were consumed with joy.  Each time we come to Holy Mass, we have a similar encounter with our Lord.  Like the three on the mountain top; we should be consumed with joy at what we see and hear; and, we must be ready and willing to go forth and do the work that needs to be done.   Today watch and listen—then go forth and tell others what you have experienced.

Faithfully Yours in Christ,
Fr. Wayne