Chapter 13 of Matthew’s Gospel contains seven parables that are similar in content and context.  They speak to us about the Kingdom of God, which is why they are traditionally known as the “Kingdom Parables.”

In this chapter, Jesus elaborates on certain features/aspects of the Kingdom, namely: its small humble origins; its steady growth; its universal scope; its salvific nature.  By using parables, Jesus keeps His listeners’ attention.  By means of using the most ordinary and familiar things of daily life, He is able to communicate deeper supernatural mysteries.  With these parables, He, also, provides His listeners with truth, guidance, and moral conduct.

For instance, this week, we read the Parable of the Sower and the Seed.  Here, Jesus teaches us about the importance of listening to and receiving God’s Word ~ “the Word of the Kingdom.”  The seed that falls on the various terrains speaks volumes about our receptivity to God’s Word regarding the Kingdom.  This week, examine how well you receive His Word and allow that seed to take root in your life ~ so as to bear rich fruit.

Faithfully Yours in Christ,
Fr. Wayne