On Wednesday, our Lenten journey into the desert began.  The time that Jesus spent in the desert and was tempted by satan is a reminder to us that the spiritual battle is non-stop.  The devil will try to tempt us in so many ways.  Yet, we must, like our Lord, remain steadfast in our resolve to follow the Will of God.  In this ongoing spiritual battle, we have several weapons at our disposal to combat whatever the devil sends our way.  Namely, prayer, fasting, and almsgiving.  These are sure means to assist us in this spiritual battle.  Over the next forty days, pray with renewed fervor, fast so as to detach yourself from the pleasures and comforts of the world, and give/offer acts of charity to strengthen those who are struggling on this journey.  Lent provides us an excellent opportunity to pray, fast, and give; however, these are spiritual activities not only reserved for Lent.  These are spiritual activities that should define the very life of a follower of Christ.

Faithfully Yours in Christ,
Fr. Wayne