As strange as this may sound, I would like to quote Herod in highlighting this weekend’s celebration of the Feast of the Epiphany.  In doing so, I recognize that it was Herod who sought the destruction of the Christ Child; it was Herod who had thousands of young boys aged two years and younger slaughtered in the hope of killing the Christ Child; it was because of Herod that Joseph and Mary with the Christ Child had to flee into Egypt; and it was Herod who tried to manipulate the Three Wisemen.  With all that, he does offer us by extension of the Magi some advice; namely, “Go and search diligently for the Child.” Although Herod’s motives were sinister, our motives must be pure.  We are called to search diligently for the Child and when we encounter Him  ~  we must adore Him in the manner in which the Magi did.  We must bring Him our gifts and lay them at His feet.  So, on this Feast of the Epiphany will you search diligently for the Child?  Will you adore Him? Will you bring to Him the gift of yourself?  Herod wanted to destroy that Child and you, what is your motive for search diligently for Him?

Faithfully Yours In Christ,
Fr. Wayne