The Gospel today reminds us of the importance of praying without becoming weary.  That is, we must pray and not be discouraged if we feel as if God is not listening or as if He does not care to hear our cries.  Both could not be any further from the truth.  God HEARS all prayers, and He CARES for each of us in such a profound fashion.  He will answer the prayers in the way in which best helps us answer the call to holiness.  If you feel as if God is not listening, perhaps it is you who are not listening to what He is saying.  He answers all prayers not so much in the way in which we want but in the way in which we need.  So, keep praying, never give up, and strive to be a saint.  Afterall, that is all He desires for us.

Faithfully Yours in Christ,
Fr. Wayne