The invitation has been issued!  What is your response?  Not only what is your response; how are you going to present yourself to the One issuing the invite?  The Gospel today goes through a litany of responses from those invited who were opposed to attending the wedding banquet, and in some instances the responses grew violent.  The new list of attendees seemed more receptive to the invite.  Did you notice, however, one was not properly dressed for the feast?  This is a reminder to each of us that we must have the proper attire for the feast to which we have been invited.  Here I am not speaking of dressing appropriately for Holy Mass {although that is something extremely necessary ~ so when coming to Church wear your Sunday Best!); rather, I am speaking about our interior disposition.  Coming to Holy Mass and receiving our Lord is the most important activity we will ever undertake.  Please make sure the interior garments are clean.  How do we take care to make sure that is happening?  Prayer, the Eucharist, Adoration, Holy Hour, Confession, Acts of Thanksgiving, and little mortifications.  These all prepare us for the feast.

Faithfully Yours in Christ,

Fr. Wayne