“Were not our hearts burning within us . . .” This is what the disciple said after they realized that Jesus had walked and spoke with them on the road to Emmaus. They were in a deep conversation with Jesus, however, they did not know it was He. Only after He revealed Himself to them did they recall that strong burning sensation within their hearts. Our prayer is called to be the same. As a matter of fact, any encounter we have with Jesus should stir up in our hearts a burning desire to want to remain in conversation with Him. During these days of Easter in the midst of the pandemic, I encourage each of you to spend some quality time in conversation with Jesus. Whether it is watching the live-streamed Masses from the parish website, reading the Scripture, praying alone or with family, and/or quiet time in reflection and meditation, please don’t fail to recognize His presence in your life as the two along the road did. Christ is in our midst; He is in your homes and hearts, let us recognize Him and let us invite Him to stay with us.
Faithfully Yours in Christ,
Fr. Wayne