“They prostrated themselves and did Him homage. Then they opened their treasures and offered Him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.” The Gospel today, although a familiar one for the Christmas Season, should cause us to pause and reflect about the gift. On the night of Christ’s birth, the shepherds came in from the field and presumably they did not come empty handed. They would have carried gifts of milk, eggs, cheese, a small lamb, or some other small animal. These were simple, humble gifts, yet greatly received. I am confident that the townsfolk who came to see the Christ Child would have brought something also to Him. Today, the Three Wise Men come from the east and carry gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. At first glance, these three gifts would seem more valuable than the others. They would be perceived to have greater worth. Yet, in the eyes of Christ, any gift offered is precious and appreciated. Which begs the question, what gift are we ready to offer to the Child in the Manger? Remember, that in the eyes of Christ every gift is of great value. So, before we make New Year resolutions that we have no intention of keeping, let us resolve that we will bring a gift to the Child today. Perhaps it may be the gift of spending a few moments in the Adoration Chapel, or praying with your family before meals, or even a decade of the Rosary with your friends. Whatever the gift, offer it and see the Child smile.
Yours in Christ,
Fr. Wayne