“My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?” As we hear Jesus utter these words, we may be shocked to think that He feels abandoned by God. Yet, that is not the case. Jesus is actually quoting the opening line of Psalm 22. This was a custom of the people of that time. Instead of reciting the entire Psalm, people would simply say the opening line and those hearing it would know the entirety of the Psalm. In other words, Jesus simply needed to say the opening line and the people would know the Psalm and its contents. It would be as if you had a favorite song, and instead of singing each verse you only sang the opening line that is your favorite part of the song. Immediately, everybody would know the song and the theme. I encourage you to read Psalm 22. It is not a Psalm of despair, abandonment, or suffering. It is, rather, a Psalm of trust, hope, and love. As we enter Holy Week, make it a week of trust, hope, and love.

Sincerely Yours in Christ,
Fr. Wayne