Even though we have re-entered Ordinary Time, you will notice that the central figures of the Christmas Manger are still being displayed in the Church, Chapel, and foyer of the Parish Center. There is a long standing tradition in the Church that the Manger remains until the Feast of the Lord’s Presentation, which is February 2nd. This is the day that Joseph and Mary brought Christ to the Temple according to Jewish customs. The prophet Simeon embraced the Christ Child and exclaimed: “Now, Lord let your servant go in peace . . . my own eyes have seen the salvation which You have prepared in the sight of every people: a light to reveal You to the nations and the glory of Your people Israel.” It was also the moment in which our Lady fulfilled the custom of purification. February 2nd, therefore, is known as The Feast of the Presentation of the Lord and the Purification of our Lady also known as Candlemas. The Manger Scene in St. Peter’s Square (the Vatican) in Rome is dismantled only after February 2nd. It was well-known that St. Pope John Paul II would make his final visit to the Manger, in St. Peter’s Square, after the evening Mass on February 2nd.