In the very opening line of the Gospel this weekend, Christ challenges us to show charity to our enemies and mercy to those who have hurt and/or wronged us.  As we reflect, Christ is always calling us to go deeper.  He does not want us to settle for mediocrity.  He is calling for us to change the manner in which we may be accustomed to treating those we may not agree with or like.  He is telling us to consider what God would expect from us in our dealings with others.  Far too often revenge, anger, and/or retaliation dictate how we act and react in difficult or challenging circumstances.  Yet, today Christ is telling us ~ no, rather, He is commanding us to be charitable and merciful, just as our father in heaven is.  Again listen to His words: “love your enemies … pray for those who mistreat you … give and don’t demand it back … lend expecting nothing in return … stop judging … forgive.    In other words, He is asking us to go the extra distance in our relationships with others.  When we do so, we become a physical manifestation of the mercy and love of God.  That is, when we show mercy and love to others, they encounter through us the love and mercy of God. Showing charity, forgiveness, and mercy can make a huge difference in others’ lives and in our lives as well.  So, do what Christ tells us to do this day and make a difference in a world so marred by violence, hatred, and anger.

Sincerely Yours in Christ,
Fr. Wayne