There is an interesting pattern that develops when the Lord encounters those who seem to be caught up in affairs that may distract from the deeper, more profound picture that He desires us to see.  A couple of weeks back, Martha approached Jesus and demanded: “tell {my sister} to help me.” This week, a man in the crowd demands of Jesus: “tell my brother to share the inheritance with me.” Both demand action from Jesus; yet, His response in both instances is to open their eyes to a more supernatural reality.  In Martha’s case, He wanted her to see that there was value in listening to the Word of God.  In the case of the man in the Gospel today, Jesus wanted to show him the value of detachment, that our worth and dignity does not subsist in our possessions.  So, today see the value in quiet prayer and conversation with our Lord; and, see the value in not being consumed by greed or possessions.  If we do so, then we truly stay focused on Jesus, which will help us to make great strides in answering His call to holiness.
Yours in Christ,
Fr. Wayne