“Remain in Me, as I remain in you. Just as a branch cannot bear fruit on its own unless it remains on the vine, so neither can you unless you remain in Me.”
These words from our Lord this weekend should cause us to reflect on how connected are we to Christ, the true vine? Last Sunday, we spoke to the teens about how social media can dominate one’s life. We stay connected to so many people via social media outlets, yet many are people we have never even met. We further discussed how we tend to share every detail of our lives with these people ~ some who are total strangers and in certain cases people who could do us harm. Why not spend that time and energy in fostering a relationship with Christ. This is for young and old alike ~ and all those in between. We need to stay connected to Christ. The branch that is connected to the vine continues to receive nourishment. It grows and thrives because it is connected. If that same branch were removed and placed on the ground near the vine; well, it would eventually dry up and wither away. It is not enough for us to remain in close proximity to Christ ~ we need to be connected to Him. This is done via prayer, Adoration, the Bible, and the Sacraments. So put down the remote, the phone, and iPad and concentrate on your relationship with Christ.
Yours in Christ,
Fr. Wayne