Parish Life
St. Mary’s is blessed with a very active parish life. We encourage you to participate in any of the spiritual and social activities provided. Young and older people will find events geared to their age group.
Parish News
From the Pastor’s Desk . . .
"Amen, I say to you, this poor widow put in more than all the other contributors to the treasury. For they have all contributed from their surplus wealth, but she, from her poverty, has contributed
From the Pastor’s Desk . . .
When asked what is the first of all the Commandments, Jesus responds: "Hear, O Israel! The LORD is our God, the LORD alone! Therefore, you shall love the LORD, your God, with all your heart, and
From the Pastor’s Desk . . .
The Gospel this weekend, coupled with the Gospel of last Sunday, provides us with two great components needed for every prayer. Last weekend, you will recall that the brothers, James and John, were bold in
From the Pastor’s Desk . . .
The Gospel today presents us with the boldness of the sons of Zebedee, James and John. They approach Jesus, unlike the account of St. Matthew in which their mother approached Jesus on their behalf, and
From the Pastor’s Desk . . .
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Once again, we find ourselves embarking on another Grand Annual Appeal for our parish family. This past year has seen great growth at St. Mary’s. Many of the long-standing
From the Pastor’s Desk . . .
This weekend, in speaking about the bond of marriage Jesus raises marriage to the dignity of the sacraments. The Code of Canon Law, which governs the Church, speaks about three goods from every marriage; namely,